To the next guy,

To answer my question with what I have:

My requirement has been pushed out 6 months, so I'm done for now.  

The Gunther Birznieks/ project has modules to do some of the things I 
queried about. I looked at it but ran out of time before I found what I would need.  I 
also found where various training issues are likely because certificates may have to 
be bought and the browser or web server might not necessarily handle problems 
gracefully/friendly and the issue of revocation does not have a widely used tool for 
processing certificate status updates.


Modssl manual on client side certs (setup only - not programming):

Quote from Gunther Birznieks (from an old post):
"If you download our Perl objects @, I have an 
AuthManager::Certificate which implements client certificate authentication.

Probably the best place to download the code for that is on the 
extropia perl project at sourceforge if you want to see the implementation.

It's actually "trivial" because mod_ssl will decode the certificate into 
extra environment variables indicating stuff like the DN of the user. It's 
a requirement of SSL to make sure the certificate is valid based on the 
certificate's signature(s). At that point, then you need to deal with 
certificate revocation which is another matter. A lot of servers back up 
certificate authentication with LDAP.

So the client sends the cert which verifies that they are who they say they 
are, but LDAP needs to be used to actually get the relevant authorization 
information out. If you use the framework we have, that is accomplished by 
configuring the use of AuthManager::Certificate against Auth::LDAP. 
Auth::Cache::Session can optionally be used to speed up the process. 
Chapter 20 on the link I gave you has details on why we broke up the 
modules the way we did.

Note that this is not to be confused with a handler. This is application 
level logic. mod_ssl already handles certificate decoding so you really 
don't need a handler anymore. At that point it seems like app logic to take 
the user and figure out what you want them to do.

Of course, you can code authorization info into a cert like the roles that 
they are intended for. But I think that's IMHO, a really BAD way to do it 
because you have to revoke the cert to change the permissions of the user. 
Best to leave the cert to identify the user and allow a dynamic datastore 
to determine what they can do in most cases.


PS The hard part about client certificates isn't using them, its managing 
them and the customers that use them."

References for Related subjects

The book "Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Active Directory(tm) Programming" has several pages 
on programming with LDAP on Windows Active Directory.  According to Gunther, LDAP is 
used in this process somehow.

-----Original Message-----
From: Goehring, Chuck Mr., RCI - San Diego 
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 10:26 AM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache. Org (E-mail)
Subject: client-side certificate extraction


We have a requirement to change our web servers to require client-side ssl 
certificates by Oct 1, 2003.  Can someone give me some pointers on how mod_perl might 
be used to extract the user's name at login time.  I suspect this might require a 
handler.  This might be used to avoid multiple logins.


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