Carl Brewer wrote:
Stas Bekman wrote:

So what hostname do you normally use? Have you tried that? Philippe has reported that this change has worked for him.

I used this patch just now on a current CVS, and still see the same
problems (or similar).

Stas, do you want to have a play on the box to see if you can
figure it out?

Not really, I simpy don't know IPv6 and what does it want from Apache to fix the problem at the moment. I don't think it's an issue of having a machine running IPv6. I have a way too many unfinished mp2 issue that require to be completed first. Next I can start reading on IPv6 and solve it unless someone does it before me.

You could solve that problem easily if you know IPv6. Just fix the autogenerated t/conf/httpd.conf (and may be some other included conf files from httpd.conf) and send a diff with the original file to the list. From there it'll be easy to create a code patch that will generate a valid IPv6-complient httpd.conf. Please give it a try.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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