Hello, i have a mod_perl module that uses cookies to comunicate between
server and client, but now i need to change to a URI model comunication.

I get a URI with some data coded inside it, i pass a handler in the
appropiate phase to parse that URI, to convert to the right URI and to get
that data.
That URI is going to be sended to another module in another phase, where
some SSI directives (personalized) will be executed.

My need is that in order to execute the SSI i need the data catched with the
URI, so HOW can i pass the data catch in phase 1 (by module 1) to the
module (module 2) that will act in phase 2 ???

I guess i could:
- send a cookie (i certainly don't want this)
- send a header (i really don't know if i can do it)
- saving a file in phase 1 and opening in phase 2 (rather not)
- returning the variable with the data ?? (can i ??)
- a magical way to comunicate between phases???

NOTE: apache 2.0 ModPerl 1.9x

Thanks for spending time in reading this.
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