Thank you very much.
I 'll do my best to help you improve this module.

Thank you.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Skylos the Doggie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Abd El-Hameed Mohammed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 5:39 PM
Subject: Re: Apache bandwidth calculating

> In Tue, 7 Oct 2003, Abd El-Hameed Mohammed wrote:
> > Thank you all.
> > OK
> > Let me ask again, are there any way to store a web site bandwidth
> > in a file or a database
> Yes.
> I adapted some of the Apache::AuthDBI module into a logging hook that
> interfaces to a database via dbi via custom query(ies).  You can use
> tokens I've defined to insert just about any of the available retrievable
> information from the objects available to a module into the custom
> queries.  You can use this to execute any custom query on a database with
> time and bandwidth used, for instance thus allowing you to generate the
> most detailed bandwidth statistics you could ever want, or as general as
> you like.  Group it how you please.
> This is not a fully tested module.  Use at your own risk.  Help me make
> it better.
> Perldoc should work on it to help you figure out how to use the tokens.
> Ask if you hvae any questions, and please let me know of any suggestions
> for improvements!
> With intrepidation, here is the code.
> Skylos
> ---
> package Apache::ActivityLogDBI;
> use Apache ();
> use Apache::Constants qw( OK SERVER_ERROR );
> use DBI ();
> use strict;
> # $Id:,v 0.01 2003/10/07 08:36:38 ask Exp $
> require_version DBI 1.00;
> $ActivityLogDBI::VERSION = '0.01';
> # 1: report about cache miss
> # 2: full debug output
> $ActivityLogDBI::DEBUG = 0;
> # configuration attributes, defaults will be overwritten with values from
> my %Config = (
>     'Activity_Log_DBI_data_source'      => '',
>     'Activity_Log_DBI_username'         => '',
>     'Activity_Log_DBI_password'         => '',
> );
> # stores the configuration of current URL.
> # initialized  during authentication, eventually re-used for
> my $Attr = { };
> # rectify queries with the appropriate information
> sub subvars {
>   my $r = shift;
>   my $query = shift;
>   my $dbh = shift;
>   my $s = $r->server;
>   my $c = $r->connection;
>   my $vals = {
>     CONNECTION_REMOTEHOST => sub { $c->remote_host(); },
>     CONNECTION_REMOTEIP => sub { $c->remote_ip(); },
>     CONNECTION_REMOTELOGNAME => sub { $c->remote_logname(); },
>     CONNECTION_USER => sub {  $c->user(); },
>     CONNECTION_AUTHTYPE => sub { $c->auth_type(); },
>     CONNECTION_ABORTED => sub { $c->aborted(); },
>     REQUEST_METHOD => sub { $r->method(); },
>     REQUEST_BYTES => sub { $r->bytes_sent(); },
>     REQUEST_HEADER => sub { $r->header_only(); },
>     REQUEST_PROTOCOL => sub { $r->protocol(); },
>     REQUEST_HOSTNAME => sub { $r->hostname(); },
>     REQUEST_TIME => sub { my @d = localtime($r->time()); sprintf
'%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d', 1900+$d[5], 1+$d[4], $d[3], $d[2], $d[1],
$d[0]; },
>     REQUEST_URI => sub { $r->uri(); },
>     REQUEST_FILENAME => sub { $r->filename(); },
>     REQUEST_LOCATION => sub { $r->location(); },
>     REQUEST_PATH_INFO => sub { $r->path_info(); },
>     REQUEST_ARGS => sub { $r->args(); },
>     SERVER_DOCUMENTROOT => sub { $s->document_root(); },
>     SERVER_SERVERROOT => sub { $s->server_root_relative(); },
>     SERVER_SERVERPORT => sub { $s->get_server_port(); },
>     SERVER_ADMIN => sub { $s->server_admin(); },
>     SERVER_HOSTNAME => sub { $s->server_hostname(); },
>     SERVER_ISVIRTUAL => sub { $s->server_is_virtual(); },
>     SERVER_UID => sub { $s->uid(); },
>     SERVER_GID => sub { $s->gid(); },
>     SERVER_LOGLEVEL => sub { $s->loglevel(); },
>   };
>   foreach (keys %{$vals}) {
>     if ($query =~ /$_/) {
>       my $value = $dbh->quote($vals->{$_}->());
>       $query =~ s/$_/$value/g;
>     }
>   }
>   return $query;
> }
> # log handler
> sub log {
>     my ($r) = @_;
>     my ($key, $val, $dbh);
>     my $prefix = "$$ ActivityLogDBI::log";
>     if ($ActivityLogDBI::DEBUG > 1) {
>         my ($type) = '';
>         $type .= 'initial ' if $r->is_initial_req;
>         $type .= 'main'     if $r->is_main;
>         print STDERR "==========\n$prefix request type = >$type< \n";
>     }
>     return OK unless $r->is_initial_req; # only the first internal request
>     print STDERR "REQUEST:\n", $r->as_string if $ActivityLogDBI::DEBUG >
>     # get username
>     my ($user_sent) = $r->connection->user;
>     print STDERR "$prefix user sent = >$user_sent<\n" if
$ActivityLogDBI::DEBUG > 1;
>     # get configuration
>     while(($key, $val) = each %Config) {
>         $val = $r->dir_config($key) || $val;
>         $key =~ s/^Activity_Log_DBI_//;
>         $Attr->{$key} = $val;
>         printf STDERR "$prefix Config{ %-16s } = %s\n", $key, $val if
$ActivityLogDBI::DEBUG > 1;
>     }
>     my @queries;
>     my $temp = $r->dir_config();
>     while(($key, $val) = each %{$temp}) {
>         next unless ($key =~ /^Activity_Log_DBI_Query/);
>         push @queries, $val;
>         printf STDERR "$prefix Config{ %-16s } = %s\n", $key, $val if
$ActivityLogDBI::DEBUG > 1;
>     }
>     undef $temp;
>     unless (scalar @queries) {
>         printf STDERR "$prefix No queries - return OK\n" if
$ActivityLogDBI::DEBUG > 1;
>         return OK;
>     }
>     # parse connect attributes, which may be tilde separated lists
>     my @data_sources = split(/~/, $Attr->{data_source});
>     my @usernames    = split(/~/, $Attr->{username});
>     my @passwords    = split(/~/, $Attr->{password});
>     $data_sources[0] = '' unless $data_sources[0]; # use ENV{DBI_DSN} if
not defined
>     # connect to database, use all data_sources until the connect succeeds
>     my $j;
>     for ($j = 0; $j <= $#data_sources; $j++) {
>         last if ($dbh = DBI->connect($data_sources[$j], $usernames[$j],
>     }
>     unless ($dbh) {
>         $r->log_reason("$prefix db connect error with data_source
>$Attr->{data_source}<", $r->uri);
>         return SERVER_ERROR;
>     }
>     foreach (@queries) {
>         # generate statement
>         my $statement = subvars $r, $_, $dbh;
>         print STDERR "$prefix statement: $statement\n" if
$ActivityLogDBI::DEBUG > 1;
>         # run statement
>         my $rows;
>         unless ($rows = $dbh->do($statement)) {
>             $r->log_reason("$prefix can not do statement: $DBI::errstr
$DBI::lasth->{Statement}", $r->uri);
>             $dbh->disconnect;
>             return SERVER_ERROR;
>         }
>         print STDERR "$prefix rows affected: $rows\n" if
$ActivityLogDBI::DEBUG > 0;
>         if ($dbh->err) {
>             $dbh->disconnect;
>             return SERVER_ERROR;
>         }
>     }
>     $dbh->disconnect;
>     printf STDERR "$prefix return OK\n" if $ActivityLogDBI::DEBUG > 1;
>     return OK;
> }
> 1;
> __END__
> =head1 NAME
> ActivityLogDBI - Activity Logging via Perl's DBI
> =head1 SYNOPSIS
>  # Configuration in httpd.conf or
>  PerlModule Apache::ActivityLogDBI
>  PerlLogHandler ActivityLogDBI::log
>  PerlSetVar Activity_Log_DBI_data_source   dbi:driver:dsn
>  PerlSetVar Activity_Log_DBI_username      db_username
>  PerlSetVar Activity_Log_DBI_password      db_password
>  #DBI->connect($data_source, $username, $password)
>  PerlSetVar Activity_Log_DBI_Query[...]    custom queries
> Any active variables that start with Activity_Log_DBI_Query is executed
> upon the triggering of the logging hook.  Use the variable scoping for
> sites and directories to overwrite lower level queries as necessary.
> This module allows custom logging against a database using Perl's DBI. For
> supported DBI drivers see:
> =item *
> Activity_Log_DBI_data_source (Database Authentication)
> The data_source value has the syntax 'dbi:driver:dsn'. This parameter is
> passed to the database driver for processing during connect. The
> parameter (as well as the username and the password parameters) may be a
> tilde ('~') separated list of several data_sources. All of these triples
> be used until a successful connect is made. This way several
backup-servers can
> be configured. if you want to use the environment variable DBI_DSN instead
> a data_source, do not specify this parameter at all.
> =item *
> Activity_Log_DBI_username (Database Authentication)
> The username argument is passed to the database driver for processing
> connect. This parameter may be a tilde ('~') separated list. See the
> parameter above for the usage of a list.
> =item *
> Activity_Log_DBI_password (Database Authentication)
> The password argument is passed to the database driver for processing
> connect. This parameter may be a tilde ('~')  separated list. See the
> parameter above for the usage of a list.
> =item *
> Activity_Log_DBI_Query[...]
> Any token beginning with 'Activity_Log_DBI_Query' will be added to a list
> queries that are executed on the DBI connection when the activity hook is
> implimented.  See MACROS below for macros that will automatically be
> in for values from the module environment.
> The module should be loaded upon startup of the Apache daemon.
> Add the following line to your httpd.conf:
>  PerlModule Apache::ActivityLogDBI
> A common usage is to load the module in a startup file via the PerlRequire
> directive. See eg/ for an example.
> To enable debugging the variable $ActivityLogDBI::DEBUG must be set. This
> can either be done in or in the user script. Setting the
> to 1, just reports about a cache miss. Setting the variable to 2 enables
> debug output.
> Note that this module needs mod_perl-1.08 or higher, apache_1.3.0 or
> and that mod_perl needs to be configured with the appropriate call-back
> =head1 SECURITY
> In some cases it is more secure not to put the username and the password
> the .htaccess file. The following example shows a solution to this
> httpd.conf:
>  <Perl>
>  my($uid,$pwd) = My::dbi_pwd_fetch();
>  $Location{'/foo/bar'}->{PerlSetVar} = [
>      [ Activity_Log_DBI_username  => $uid ],
>      [ Activity_Log_DBI_password  => $pwd ],
>  ];
>  </Perl>
> =head1 MACROS
> =item *
> Output of the remote_host() method of the Connection object.
> =item *
> Output of the remote_ip() method of the Connection object.
> =item *
> Output of the remote_logname() method of the Connection object.
> =item *
> Output of the user() method of the Connection object.
> =item *
> Output of the auth_type() method of the Connection object.
> =item *
> Output of the aborted() method of the Connection object.
> =item *
> Output of the method() method of the Request object.
> =item *
> Output of the bytes_sent() method of the Request object.
> =item *
> Output of the header_only() method of the Request object.
> =item *
> Output of the protocol() method of the Request object.
> =item *
> Output of the hostname() method of the Request object.
> =item *
> ISO formatted output of the time() method of the Request object.
> =item *
> Output of the uri() method of the Request object.
> =item *
> Output of the filename() method of the Request object.
> =item *
> Output of the location() method of the Request object.
> =item *
> Output of the path_info() method of the Request object.
> =item *
> Output of the args() method of the Request object.
> =item *
> Output of the document_root() method of the Request object.
> =item *
> Output of the server_root_realative() method of the Request object.
> =item *
> Output of the get_server_port() method of the Request object.
> =item *
> Output of the server_admin() method of the Request object.
> =item *
> Output of the server_hostname() method of the Server object.
> =item *
> Output of the server_is_virtual() method of the Server object.
> =item *
> Output of the uid() method of the Server object.
> =item *
> Output of the gid() method of the Server object.
> =item *
> Output of the loglevel() method of the Server object.
> =head1 SEE ALSO
> L<Apache>, L<mod_perl>, L<DBI>
> =head1 AUTHORS
> =item *
> Apache::ActivityLogDBI by David Ihnen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> =item *
> Code structure derived from Apache::AuthDBI by Edmund Mergl; now
maintained and
> supported by the modperl mailinglist.
> =item *
> mod_perl by Doug MacEachern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> =item *
> DBI by Tim Bunce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> =head1 COPYRIGHT
> The ActivityLogDBI module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
> modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
> =cut
> ---
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Ged Haywood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "Abd El-Hameed Mohammed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2003 12:45 PM
> > Subject: Re: Apache bandwidth calculating
> >
> >
> > > Hi there,
> > >
> > > On Fri, 3 Oct 2003, Abd El-Hameed Mohammed wrote:
> > >
> > > > Do any one know where i can find the source of mod_bwlimited
> > > > or any recources for modules like it.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Type the word "bandwidth" into the box.
> > >
> > > Try CPAN too, and you might want to look at
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > in which Geoff which mentions mod_throttle_access
> > > (and brings us more-or-less back on-topic:).
> > >
> > > 73,
> > > Ged.
> > >
> > > [This E-mail scanned for viruses using McAfee.]
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> - The best part about the internet is nobody knows you're a dog.
>   (Peter Stiener, The New Yorker, July 5, 1993)
> - Dogs like... TRUCKS!  (Nissan commercial, 1996)
> - PGP key:

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