I'm just starting with mod_perl. I converted my cgi scripts for mod_perl usage. They work fine as plain cgi. When i go from one screen to another via submit or link, or just refresh a couple of times my data disappears. No errors, just a blank form. I have no idea what is wrong.

I've verified a few things...

mod_perl is installed
MOD_PERL    mod_perl/1.99_05-dev

In Httpd.conf...
PerlModule Apache2 CGI DBD::mysql (Also tried Apache::DBI here too)

Sample of whats in my scripts...
use sctrict;
my ($dbh) = DBI->connect('DBI:mysql:mypwd:localhost','myuser','myuser');
my ($sql)   = qq{SELECT * FROM somtable};
Display Data
end html

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