On Friday 21 November 2003 08:15 pm, Perrin Harkins wrote:
> On Fri, 2003-11-21 at 19:13, Jordan Lederman wrote:
> > The page located at http://perl.apache.org/docs/1.0/guide/
> > debug.html#Handling_the__User_pressed_Stop_button__case
> > says that things can be more complex with mod_perl.... can you shed any
> > light on that for me?
> It simply means that filehandles and other global resources are not
> automatically cleared for you at the end of a request, since the Perl
> interpreter is not exiting.  Again, I don't think this is the cause of
> your problems, since apache no longer kills your script when the client
> breaks the connection.  What is LogLevel set to in your httpd.conf?  If
> it's info or debug, you get these warnings even though they are
> harmless.

The loglevel is set to info.
> I expect that either your problem will go away when you upgrade apache
> or it is a bug in your DBI code somewhere.  If upgrading doesn't help,
> try to trim down your code to a simple example that demonstrates the
> issue.

Well I've upgraded apache and mod_perl to 1.29 and I'm still having the same 
issue. It basically just feels like I'm running a long (takes ~ .5 seconds) 
query when I hit stop and reload. When the next query is run, it receives a 
piece of data from the query that was left running. 

Some things that are/I've noticed:
        1) The page I'm loading runs three individual queries - 2 select count(*), 
and one larger data query.  The first count query often receives results of 
the 3rd (data) query.
        2) At some point during my development, apachectl reload stopped working for 
me. The command itself works, but my module cannot find a db connection after 
this is run.  The error I get is:

DBD::Pg::st execute failed: server closed the connection unexpectedly at /
proj/q2/lib/Q2/Init.pm line 2711.
DBD::Pg::st execute failed: server closed the connection unexpectedly at /
proj/q2/lib/Q2/Init.pm line 2711.
        diagnostics::warn_trap('DBD::Pg::st execute failed: server closed the 
connection unex...') called at /proj/q2/lib/Q2/Init.pm line 2711

        To get around this, I have to do an apachectl stop; apachectl startssl.
        3) The error is triggered more often when using mozilla firebird as opposed 
to konqueror and IE. 

I'm still waiting for the cookbook, but I think #2 above may have something to 
do with the problem. Any ideas, tips, etc?

> - Perrin

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