On Tue, 2003-11-25 at 13:43, Bryn Dyment wrote:
> 1. If my preloaded (via startup.pl) "my.pm" module uses DBI, should I
> explicitly "use DBI ()" in startup.pl as well?

Not necessary, but won't hurt anything.

> 2. Related to that, is it then kosher for my (non-preloaded Mason) "my.html"
> component to call a DBI method directly (e.g., "$dbH->disconnect")?  Or...

Loading the modules is not the same thing as creating a database
connection.  You need to choose a strategy for managing your
connections.  There are some common approaches for Mason which are
probably in the Mason book.

> 4. I read about "use DBI" vs. "use DBI ()".  Does this hold true for my own
> modules, too?

It doesn't make any difference for modules that don't export anything by
default (for example, DBI).

- Perrin

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