On Tue, 9 Dec 2003, Volker Kroll wrote:

> On Tue, 2003-12-09 at 14:06, Hakan Nilsson wrote:
> > Hi, I've got a serious problem when using mod_perl, and even though I and
> > others seem to have had this problem no one seem to have come to a
> > conclusion on what's actually wrong.
> >
> > The problem is that sometimes, the GET or POST data submitted never gets
> > to my script.
> Maybe you a trapped by the same error I had yesterday and searched for
> many hours....
> I had in my html:
> <form method="POST" action="/mymodperlapp">
> but it has to be:
> <form method="POST" action="/mymodperlapp/">
>                                          ^
> The Server redirected me to a GET Request to /mymodperlapp/
> Volker

Thanks for your input Volker, but we don't care if it is POST or GET that
is used. Most often we have links like

<a href="page.html?foo=bar&baz=1">A link!</a>

which sometimes work and sometimes fails, but we also have forms (both
using POST and GET there too) and those also work sometimes and fail at
other times, without us doing anything. It can happen if you just reload
the page.

To you that have the same problem (Jason Chinnes I think it was?):

What do you do to 'solve' it? We restart the apache at short intervals (a
few hours) and that seems to more or less solve it. At least it doesn't
happen as often.


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