
Got rather a shock this morning when I discovered twenty odd emails in
my Inbox!! I can see why open source development moves so fast ;)


The version in CVS looks good. It consumes very little memory now,
starts off at 0.6%. I think there is still a small leak, it creaps up
very slowly at about 0.1% every 5 minutes. I can see this being very
difficult to track...

I think it's not coming from the filters this time, but from your other code. Or does this filter is the only thing that you use? I've tested things with a single server mode and run about 100MB of data on each request and I haven't seen a single byte leak. I think what you see is the normal memory unsharing, which gradually happens over the time. Apache::SizeLimit (or Apache::GTopLimit ) keeps those servers restricted in size (search perl.apache.org for more info).

If you want me to run any tests, I would be happy to do so.

If you can start the server in a single mode and run your normal code a few times and check whether you still see the leak or not. You need to start with:


Thank you for your hard work and effort over the past few days, it is
very much appreciated!

On the opposite, it was fun and I've learned a few things ;)

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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