Hello again,

for Apache2 take a look at


On Mon, 2003-12-29 at 11:27, Thomas Schindl wrote:
> Why don't you use Apache2/mod_perl2 where you can create
> Protocol-Handlers?
> http://perl.apache.org/docs/2.0/user/handlers/protocols.html
> Tom
> On Sat, 2003-12-27 at 17:03, Jan Algermissen wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I am working on an implementation of a notification system based on HTTP
> > and I need to write a mod_perl-based Apache module that handles the
> > (non-HTTP1.1 MONITOR method).
> > 
> > I started using the URI translation phase which works fine, but since I
> > need support for virtual hosts and per-directory configuration, I'd
> > rather like to use the header parse phase. 
> > 
> > Unfortunately, Apache seems to complain about the unknown HTTP method
> > right inside the URI translation phase and thus doesn't even reach
> > the header parse phase but sends a 501 right away.
> > 
> > Can anyone provide me with a hint how to work around this or what 
> > I am doing wrong?
> > 
> > [I am thinking about using the post-read-request phase to change the
> > method to GET and using a variable to tell the header-parse phase
> > that the method has actually been a MONITOR.  Does that make sense?]
> > 
> > 
> > Many thanks in advance!
> > 
> > 
> > Jan
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > Jan Algermissen                           http://www.topicmapping.com
> > Consultant & Programmer                       http://www.gooseworks.org
> -- 
>    \\\||///
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>    (  @ @  )
> -oOo--( )--oOo----------------------------------------------------------
>                      ___  ___                                tom schindl
>       o       __    /  / /           innovative medientechnik planung AG
>      / /\/\/ / /   /__/ / __            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     / / / / /_/   /  / /___/                        http://www.impire.de
>            /                 voice:+43(512)34193431,fax:+43(512)34193420
>    Eduard-Bodem-Gasse 6, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria, Software Engineering
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  \\  - -  //
   (  @ @  )
-oOo--( )--oOo----------------------------------------------------------
                     ___  ___                                tom schindl
      o       __    /  / /           innovative medientechnik planung AG
     / /\/\/ / /   /__/ / __            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    / / / / /_/   /  / /___/                        http://www.impire.de
           /                 voice:+43(512)34193431,fax:+43(512)34193420
   Eduard-Bodem-Gasse 6, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria, Software Engineering

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