Hello There.


I have installed Mandrake 9.1, and in the installation I asked it to also
install Apache 2, mod_perl, mysql.

now I want to make them all work. I took stason's pages, and there he said
to write in the httpd.conf (with is in my system httpd2.conf) a loadmodule
line. no good - the apache didn't find the module.

a little search - the mod_perl module is in different folder. (something

tried to copy the mod_perl file to the apache's modules files did worked,
but everything else I tried trigered "couldn't find" errors.


the perl is in the folder:


and have three sub-folders:

5.8.0, vendor_perl, site_perl

the second have:


that does not contain an Registry module.


My apache identify itself as:

Apache-AdvancedExtranetServer/2.0.44 (Mandrake Linux/11mdk) mod_perl/1.99_08
Perl/v5.8.0 mod_ssl/2.0.44 OpenSSL/0.9.7a PHP/4.3.1


So, it seen that I have mod_perl 2. (that what 1.99 means, doesn't it?)


the apache modules are in:


and the mod_perl is in:


so I put in the apache httpd2.conf the line:

LoadModule perl_module extramodules/mod_perl.so

instead of:

LoadModule perl_module modules/mod_perl.so

and suprizingly, apache did found the mod_perl file.

So, I inserted another line:

PerlRequire /etc/httpd/..../apache2-startup.pl

(well, now I'm guessing. didn't write the real file name/path, but it's
something like that)


And now, Apache refuse to start, and state the he cann't find

I chacked, and he's right - there is no Registry module under Apache that
under Apache2 folder.

on the other hand,  cann't find anyone that calls that module.

the @INC contain the Apache2 folder, and also an /var/www/perl/.mod_perl2


The questions are:

1. Did I do the right thing in the extramodules thing? (I was totally

2. Who is calling the Registry module?

3. Where is that module, and how do I make Apache know that?


And some apache questions:

1. how do I get a list of all the modules that apache loaded? (the dynamic
ones, not the static)

2. I don't have a util named "apxs". is it important?


What annoy me the most is that I still haven't wrote a single line in perl.
didn't breach the installation stage. ufff.


Semuel Fomberg.


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