I´m using a GD-based Module (Bio::Graphics) to generate png-graphics on the fly with a Modperl Content Handler.
Now I encounter the following problem:
The first request(after httpd restart), is served well, and the generated graphic is in color - every other request after that produces black/white grafics. Everything is OK with the other content, only the color information of the graphic seems to be lost?
When I use the same routine in a cgi or shell enviroment everything works fine...

I´m using the following enviroment:
(1Ghz dual processor machine, 1GB RAM)(Apache/1.3.27 (Unix)(Red-Hat/Linux 7.3) Embperl/2.0b5 mod_perl/1.26) (All the modules are preloaded in a startup script)

Thanks in advance,

-- Daniel Lang University of Freiburg, Plant Biotechnology Sonnenstr. 5, D-79104 Freiburg phone: +49 761 203 6988 homepage: http://www.plant-biotech.net/ e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>REALITY.SYS corrupted: Reboot universe? (Y/N/A)

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