Sorry to trouble you but you're name has cropped up in many modperl forums I've been researching for a solution to my problem, and I also note you're listed as the author of Apache::AuthenNTLM on CPAN but not in the documentation.

I have just taken over maintenance :)

There is nothing in the documentation that indicates I have to configure the Win2000 server in any special way to allow permissions for my Linux/Apache host to verify credentials.

I wouldn't think so.

The current output:

could you set ntlmdebug = 2 and send that output ? Also, what does this return?

use Authen::Smb;
my $authResult = Authen::Smb::authen('myUser', 'myPassword',

 if ( $authResult == Authen::Smb::NO_ERROR ) {
   print "User successfully authenticated.\n";
 } else {
   print "User not authenticated with error level $authResult\n";

Typo "faild"

thanks for catching that :)

domain error = -11/0: means nothing to me

it's actually error = -11/0. This is defined in the smbval library.

My .htaccess file:

PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthenNTLM
AuthType ntlm
AuthName "/"
require valid-user

#                    domain             pdc                bdc
PerlAddVar ntdomain ""
PerlAddVar ntdomain "domain"
PerlSetVar defaultdomain
PerlSetVar ntlmdebug 1

Do we know for sure that the smb server is listening for the DOMAIN == || DOMAIN == domain?

Just a suggestion is maybe worth confirming the version number of Apache::AuthenNTLM maybe it higher debug level, as I've installed version 0.23 before and have installed your 2.04 over the top and restarted the HTTP servers. Now I'm not sure if its 2.04 I'm actually running.

good idea.

let me know,

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