I've looked at the mod_perl documentation on how to eliminate the problem of values being remembered when a named inner subroutine accesses a lexical symbol. I *thought* I was doing things correctly, but when I precompile (or even preload) CGI, I get the same types of problems, regardless.

use lib 'c:/apps/apache/perl';

use CGI ();


formtest.pl: use strict; use warnings; use My::Form;


My/Form.pm: package My::Form; use strict; use CGI; use base 'Exporter'; our @EXPORT = 'dojob';

my $foo;
my $q;

sub do_work {
print "<html><body><form><input type=\"text\" name=\"foo\" value=\"$foo\"><br><input type=\"submit\"></form></body></html>";

sub dojob {
        my $q = new CGI;
        $foo = $q->param('foo');
        print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";


After the first time I submit the form, all subsequent requests preload the FIRST value in the form element.

When I REMOVE the use CGI; from the startup script, the problem goes away.

Am I using CGI improperly? I know that ultimately, it'd probably be better to use Apache::Request for the simple junk I'm using CGI for, but I'm on a Windows system, and I can't seem to find info on Apache::Request for mp2. (Is this what got broken out into Apache::RequestRec, Apache::RequestIO, and Apache::RequestUtil? I still can't find param() in any of them).

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