
Apache::ASP v2.57 is released to CPAN.  Its a maintenance release,
and contains the following fixes:

- $Server->Transfer will update $0 correctly

 - return 0 for mod_perl handler to work with latest mod_perl 2 release
   when we were returning 200 ( HTTP_OK ) before.

 - fixed bug in $Server->URL when called like $Server->URL($url)
   without parameters.  Its not clear which perl versions this bug

For more information about Apache::ASP, please see http://www.apache-asp.org

To download Apache::ASP, install using CPAN, or go to:



Josh Chamas, Founder                   phone:925-552-0128
Chamas Enterprises Inc.                http://www.chamas.com
NodeWorks Link Checker                 http://www.nodeworks.com

-- Reporting bugs: http://perl.apache.org/bugs/ Mail list info: http://perl.apache.org/maillist/modperl.html List etiquette: http://perl.apache.org/maillist/email-etiquette.html

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