
although that's more perl than mod_perl related I'd do the following:

1) make Perl-Modules out of e.g. mysql.pl e.g. MyModule::MySQLSupport
2) load them using use MyModule::MySQLSupport in webapp.pl which should 
   also be a Perl-Module under mod_perl e.g. MyModule::WebApp
3) When you are using Perl-Modules you can easily import variables from 
   MyModule::MySQLSupport into MyModule::WebApp using Exporter see 
   Chapter 11 in "Programming Perl".

For future Perl-Coding I'd suggest that you avoid using globals and
maybe use an object-oriented approach, using anywhere global variables
is one of the biggest design flaws I can think of. I can only think
about a handful of situations where I'd use globals.


On Wed, 2004-02-11 at 03:13, ian douglas wrote:
> Hey all,
> Poured over a number of texts online and having trouble easily converting a mass
> quantity of existing code to work well under mod_perl in an easy-to-manage
> method.
> Currently, we have a few MB of unique Perl scripts running various web
> applications, and I'm having trouble scoping when requiring those scripts in our
> main application.
> We have a 'base' script, which I'll call webapp.pl, which requires a number of
> other scripts, including a script that loads up a number of cursors for our
> database at startup so they don't get prepared over and over and over. The
> scoping of the cursor names is giving me grief though:
> webapp.pl
> ---
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use strict;
> use vars qw(
>   $dbh
>   $cursor1
>   $cursor2
>   $cursor3
>   etc
>   $cursor250
>   ) ;
> require ("mysql.pl") ; ## has sub's to connect/disconnect to mysql
> require ("cursors.pl") ; ## example printed below
> &connect_to_mysql() ; ## defined in mysql.pl
> &declare_cursors() ; ## defined in cursors.pl (see below)
> # do work here
> &finish_cursors() ; ## defined in cursors.pl (see below)
> &disconnect_from_mysql() ; ## defined in mysql.pl
> exit ;
> cursors.pl
> ---
> use vars qw(
>   $dbh
>   $cursor1
>   $cursor2
>   $cursor3
>   etc
>   ad nauseum
>   $cursor250
>   ) ;
> sub declare_cursors
> {
>   $cursor1 = $dbh->prepare ("SELECT something FROM something WHERE something=?")
> ;
>   etc
>   $cursor250 = ...
> }
> sub finish_cursors
> {
>   $cursor1->finish ;
>   etc
> }
> The problem I'm having is that the 'use vars' from the top of cursors.pl doesn't
> give webapp.pl scope of its variables, so I have to redefine the entire list of
> cursors in all of the scripts we have if the script uses any of the cursors
> defined in cursors.pl, which is a nuisance if I need to remove or edit a
> cursor's name... I end up with dozens of places to change the cursor name or
> remove a cursor.
> Is there an easier way to manage this?
> It's not just with this cursors.pl script either - we'd like to define other
> Perl scripts with their own global variables that can build those variables for
> global scope simple by requiring the script, but haven't seen anything yet to
> accomplish this.
> Another example would be for webapp.pl to require our "cookies.pl" code that
> looks like this:
> cookies.pl
> -----
> use vars qw(
>   ) ;
> sub getallcookies()
> {
>   my %mycookies ;
>   # etc etc, parse what the browser gives us
>   return %mycookies ;
> }
> In order to make this call within webapp.pl:
>   %COOKIES = &getallcookies() ;
> ... we have to define %COOKIES all over again.
> Thanks for any assistance.
> Ian Douglas
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