Please note I googled, and found only very off track threads a while back

I am redesigning an application that currently uses Apache::ASP and for a
variety of reasons I believe my best approach is to go "native" and build
mod_perl handlers to generate the pages instead of using a scripted

That said, I have got quite used to the Apache::ASP session management, and
I have been reading the docs for both Apache::Session (and some of it's
wrappers) and CGI::Session. I am not looking for any religious bias either
way, but as someone who have never used either, does anyone have any
comments regarding what to base a choice on ?

My general constraints are:

1) Cookieless session options; I would like to support cookieless sessions,
using URL args and/or pathinfo to carry the session IDs. Looking at both the
systems, this is a manual process (unlike Apache::ASP options). Am I
mistaken ? Is there an underlying transparent mechanism in either session
manager (or a wrapper) ?

2) The data required per session will be the typical user authentication /
preferences stuff. Perhaps some additional menu-choices etc. Not much by
volume, and not a whole lot of commerce stuff.

3) I will be using a PostgreSQL based DB for the content management, and if
(as I hope) the capacity increases require additional backends, then having
session data in a/the DB will be useful. Both the session modules support
PostgreSQL, but does anyone have any experience of performance by these
modules in this environment ?

I appreciate any comments, and given I found little on searching, I hope
that any replies would be useful to have in the list archives.



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