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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re[2]: GIF contents not "coming out"
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2004 21:55:21 +1100
From: Chris Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Stas Bekman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Stas,

Cool - glad you found it!  Sorry I was so "harsh" with my $0.02 (long
night coding tends to shorten my temper - oops).

You might like to mention in your manual how to set the response code,
like "HTTP/1.1 304 NOT MODIFIED" or whatever.  I noticed that you
appear to be doing some "smarts" and sending this back (in preference
to what I really printed) when you detect my etag and/or "last
modifed" headers match the request, but I'm sure other people (and me
in future) will want to set these codes - so mentioning how to do this
in the "Generating_HTTP_Response_Headers" section would be ideal.

Incadentally - there's a cosmetic bug with the code which does that
too: I find my log files full of this:-

 [Mon Mar 01 00:13:54 2004] [warn] /cache.asp/blank1x1.gif did not
   send an HTTP header

but upon close investigation, my script does send the correct stuff,
and the correct (well - correctED to be precise - you code stripped
out my reply and sent "304 NOT MODIFED" instead - which is correct)
headers come back to the browser just fine - it's only when the
original request had an "IF-Modified-Since:" condition that the error
turns up in the logs (even though it wasn't an error).

If you have time to experiment, I noticed a horrendous "memory leak"
*or* code "zombieing" problem using the "worker MPM" instead of
prefork with mod_perl and DBI and oracle.  Problem vanished when I
changed back to prefork.  Dunno if it was mod_perl, DBI, or oracle to
blame unfortunately - but I thought I'd tell you in case it helps.
I'm using RedHat enterprise linux 3 with mod_perl-1.99_09

Kind Regards,
Chris Drake

Wednesday, March 3, 2004, 7:26:20 PM, you wrote:

SB> Hi Chris,

SB> Finally I've got a chance to analyze your problem.

The "GIF" isn't actually a GIF at all - it was the "favicon.ico" icon
file - so my guess is that mod_perl is sneaking a peek at what comes
next (expecting GIF89a or whatever) and doing something wrong when
that 'aint it.  I realize I shouldn't be saying "image/gif" in this
case, but then - mod_perl shouldn't be screwing up my headers just
'coz of that mistake?

SB> mod_perl wasn't doing anything like that. The problem was in the contents of
SB> favicon.ico. .ico files seem to start with the sequence \000\000 and mod_perl
SB> 2.0 had a bug dealing with parsing printed headers immediatelly followed by
SB> response body starting with '\0'. I've reduced your test to a one liner script:

SB> print "Content-type: image/x-icon\n\n\000\000\001\000";

SB> It's now fixed in the cvs.

On a personal note - I think the whole mod_perl header system should
have been omitted.  If a script wants to send the headers, it should
be allowed to, without interference.  Making people learn an
indeterminate number of new custom non-standard callbacks like
"content_type()" and whatever the ones are for caching, p3p, cookies,
accept, encoding, charsets, and so forth is silly - since everyone who
knows they're needed already knows how to send them normally - hence
the extra bunch of callback stuff just wastes everyone's time.  Just
my $0.02...

SB> Nobody prevents you from printing your own headers. It's just much slower. I
SB> just wrote a new docs section explaining the differences and nuances of
SB> headers generating:

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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