I'm going to rename this subject so as not to get confused with Nathan's.   Previous subject was perl to mod_perl transition problems.  New name is httpd.conf directives for mod_perl under Apache2.
I've compiled MP2 as a DSO under Apache2 on RedHat 8 on an 2.8Gz IBM.
Current questions are: Is the <Files> tag still needed under the <Directory> tag for which you want mod_perl enabled?  
What are the directives under the <Files> tag to replace those mentioned below (as used to run under MP1)?
It used to be that this <Files> tag could only be used under one <Directory> tag on the whole server so as to prevent collision between scripts that might be using  mod_perl on the server.  At least, that was the way it was explained to me.  Is this still true in MP2?
Why is mod_perl not showing up as an ENV{} element when I print out the ENV{} hash?
A little unrelated to mod_perl - but I still need to build additional modules into Apache 2.   There seem to be a great bunch of authorities in this group.  I'll post these questions on the httpd users list if prefered, but you guys are so hip on Apache 2, that I'll risk it here.  So as to help me to keep focused on getting a complete package up and running. Go ahead an tell me to post the following questions elsewhere if you want and think it appropriate, and I'll comply, but ...    So, please disregard following questions unelss you just really like helping out a fellow supporter of opensource that woule really appreciate a leg up right now.  BTW: Really great work your doing here.  Having been working in the opensource arena for only about 2 years now, I think the work you're doing is tremendous and a fantastic anamoly in today's world of selfish - do it for the money - mindset.
Is mod_ssl part of Apache 2?  I saw a post somewhere in the last couple days that indicated it was, but I don't see it in the httpd -l listing.  I do see it in the modules directory.  I configured Apache 2 with directive: ./configure --enable-mods-shared="dav ssl php4 perl rewrite"
And modified httpd.conf to LoadModule same as with mod_perl --

<IfDefine SSL>
LoadModule ssl_module modules/mod_ssl.so
Why is the <IfDefine SSL> tag used here and where would it be defined.  Same question would apply for all the other IfDefine tages in the httpd.conf file.  REPLY: I'll answer part of this one myself.  I commented out the <IfDefine SSL> tags surrounding the LoadModule directive for SSL and it appears to have loaded ok now.
Is openssl still required as a pre-requisite to building Apache with SSL?
I've got same questions about php.  I did a static build of Apache 1, with all the other
needed modules built in statically.
I'm guessing I have to the dynamic link thing for Apache 2 and php, but am not sure.  (Note: I'm a little apprehensive about building in php to Apache 2 either dynamically or statically because of the disclaimers all over www.php.net that say not to run php with Apache 2 in a production environment.)  The php install user's group is bug-ridden and I can count on getting spammed with Porn every time I post to that group.  So, obviously would like to get answers for php somewhere else.  Any ideas where?  I seem to recall a doc that told how to load mod_perl and mod_php when I was building under Apache 1.  It mentioned a specific order that had to be followed during the build.  Is there a similar and current doc somewhere that would pertain to Apache 2 and the current mp2 and php modules.

>>> "Charlie Smith" 03/12/04 12:13PM >>>
Thanks for the prompt reply.  I used the ENV{MOD_PERL} as suggested - actually printed out all of the ENV vars.   No listing for MOD_PERL except in the SERVER_SIGNATURE Apache/2.0.48 (Unix) mod_perl/1.99_13 Perl/v5.8.0 DAV/2 .  So, I guess it's not really running yet.
Is the <Files> tag still needed?
If so, what would the syntax be?  In MP1 I used following:
<Files "*">
   SetHandler perl-script
   PerlHandler Apache::Registry
   Options ExecCGI
   PerlSendHeader ON

>>> "Stas Bekman" 03/11/04 05:12PM >>>
Charlie Smith wrote:
> In transitioning to mod_perl 1.99_13 I have a couple question.   Today, I got
> mod_perl built into Apache 2.
> However, I would expect to be able to actually get the mod_perl working.  
> I used to be able to see if it was actually running by looking at the
> GATEWAY_INTERFACE.  (reference: to see GATEWAY_INTERFACE and other ENV hash
> elements:

$ENV{GATEWAY_INTERFACE} is no longer special under mp2:

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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