I am new to mod_perl.  Installed the most recent mod_perl
passed nearly all the test.

The most recent Apache

Web server working fine, CGI working fine.  I have used CGI in the past.
No problem.

Now I am switching to mod_perl; with the following configuration in httpd.conf

PerlModule Apache2
Alias /perl/  /usr/local/apache2/cgi-bin/
<Location /perl>
       #SetHandler modperl
       SetHandler perl-script
#       PerlInterScope handler # will not work, copied from Apache 2 book
       PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
       PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
       Options +ExecCGI

The only problem is when a simple script

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
Print "<html><head>....<./head><body> foo bar </body></html>";

When requested from the browser, it displays the source of my code (the literal of the two lines above) not the end result of HTML parsing
(foo bar).
This must be due to a silly error on my part. Can someone give me a starting point?


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