On Fri, 23 Apr 2004 12:51:26 +0200
Ken Burcham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Ken,

>  I notice in the pod some things say:
>PerlSetVar HighlihtCSS /highlight/perl.css
>  and some things say
>PerlSetVar HighlightCache On
>Notice the "Highlight" vs "Highliht"...  Just wanted to point 
>that out in case one was actually wrong.  :)

That's my fault! 
Thanks for the notice, asap I'll upload new distribution to CPAN with these
corrections (of course, "Highlight" is correct).

>Also, could I use something like this for displaying perl 
>fragments on web pages?  or is it only when you're looking at a 
>whole perl file?  sorry if that's a dumb question...

I see three roads:

1. Include fragment code in your pages with SSI-like tecnhique. For example
with simple Apache built-in SSI:

---sample.shtml, CUTE HERE---
Following <A HREF="/fragments/code1.pl?download">code</A>:
<!--#include virtual="/fragments/code1.pl" -->
shows how to...
---sample.shtml, CUTE HERE---

Notice that you must to put all Perl code fragments under sistem directory
managed by Apache::Syntax::Highlight::Perl and mapped by /fragments/ URI.

2. Improve Apache::Syntax::Highlight::Perl in order to highlight code supplied
on the fly. For example by passing an additional param 'code' to query string.

3. Use Syntax::Highlight::Perl directly in order to build your pages (but
with no line numbers or caching features) with code fragments.


        - Enrico

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