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for mod_perl 1 users


for mod_perl 2 users 


        - Fix: parse for xsl-params again in the xsl files. This was 
                broken in 1.13. ( Ben Ausden )
        - Fix: add use Apache::PageKit::Model to eg/Model/MyPageKit/Common.pm
                since it is possible that the application class is loaded
                before Apache::PageKit ( Boris Zentner )
        - the eg site use DBD::SQLite now. This obsoletes
                DBD::CSV, SQL::Statement and Text::CSV_XS.
                ( Boris Zentner )
        - fop_command can be disabled with fop_command = ""
                ( Boris Zentner, Shimon Rura )
        - Remove Apache->request calls from Apache::PageKit::Edit
                just to make apache 2 changes smaller ( Boris Zentner )
        - Fix: Parse Accept-Charsets more pettier ( Boris Zentner )
        ! If the client browser has no accept charset header or no good one,
                deliver in the default_output_charset and set the charset
                in the content_type header. ( Erik GÃnther )
        - Fix uri_prefix in conjunction with can_edit
                ( Boris Zentner, Erik GÃnther )

PageKit is a mod_perl based web application framework that uses 
HTML::Template and XML to separate the Model, View, Content and Controller. 
Provides elegant solutions to many difficult web programming problems, 
including session management, language localization, authentication, form 
validation, and co-branding.

For more info on Apache::PageKit visit



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