Sorry to top post...

So is it (the subject/original email below) impossible then?

Or is it possible just not advisable?


JupiterHost.Net wrote:
Hello group!

Super mod_perl newbie here :)

I was wondering if its possible to setup mod_perl in httpd.conf with a
File Extension Configuration instead of a Path Configuration.

IE - everything with the .mpl extension is run under mod_perl instead of everything in /perl/ being run under mod_perl...
Something like:
AddHandler mod_perl-script .mpl

If it is possible what benefits/problems/issues would there be to think about vs a Path configuration?

Where might I find good documentation about how to do this and what issues you'd encounter/have to consider (I didn't see anything at which I'm sure is my fault ;p )?


Lee.M - JupiterHost.Net

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