
Who ever is admining your mail server might want to look into using a *responsible* list. Spews routinely causes horror for many innocents, sometimes blocking whole datacenters over one account.

Almost any other list is an improvement, I have noticed many lists follow along behind http://www.spamhaus.org/ for example, and they have reasonable people you can talk to. It is MUCH more likely you will fix the problem by getting your admin to change his blacklist choice than that you will be able to get the mod_perl list off the spews listing. They will only rinse and repeat, "Get rid of the spammer, or move your ISP"

Yes, folks, it is that bad these days. spam means unsolicited email, but also it means lots of people don't get their legitimate email. I frankly think the whole thing is a nightmare with no end in sight..



At 01:10 PM 6/30/2004, Jim Albert wrote:
Stas Bekman wrote:

Eric Frazier wrote:
Jim, Eric, so can you please put this thread together into one doc piece that can be added to the docs?

I had just noticed that I received none of the mod_perl mailings in the past 10 days or so. Looks like the mod_perl list mail server is on a spam blacklist.

relay=hermes.apache.org []
Rejected from - see http://spews.org/bounce.html

I understand spews is one of the more aggressive blacklists, but perhaps one the list admins should look into getting this IP out of spews?

Jim Albert

Report problems: http://perl.apache.org/bugs/
Mail list info: http://perl.apache.org/maillist/modperl.html
List etiquette: http://perl.apache.org/maillist/email-etiquette.html

Report problems: http://perl.apache.org/bugs/
Mail list info: http://perl.apache.org/maillist/modperl.html
List etiquette: http://perl.apache.org/maillist/email-etiquette.html

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