> I know you can do:
> $r->location_merge('container_string');
> which forces an earlier merge, but I'm not sure it'll affect the conf 
> tree shown by Apache::Directive. Have you tried looking at the C code to 
> see whether there is a C API for that?

well, there's $r->per_dir_config and $r->request_config which return
an Apache::ConfVector object.

there's Apache::Directive::walk_config which takes an Apache::CmdParms
object (i have no idea from where, how one applies this, etc) and
an Apache::ConfVector object, presumably the one returned from
$r->(per_dir|request)_config. although, that seems like more of a
"write" than a "read" method. what i'm after is the result of the
merge without actually permanently modifying anything.

will look at httpd source i guess, and the mod_perl 2 source again.


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