> > > It is setup like this:-
> > > 
> > > <Location /mypackage >
> > > SetHandler  perl-script
> > > PerlHandler My::Package
> > > </Location>
> > Shouldn't that be
> >    PerlHandler My::Package->handler
> Technically that isn't necessary if your method is
> called handler() and
> you have prototyped it with ($$).
I've got a kinda technical details point here, which
is maybe part of this issue.

I was always under the impression that in order to use
a module you should declare it with 
PerlModule My::Module

<Location />
set-handler PerlScript
PerlHandler My::Module  #in whatever permutation

My question is, If you don't have a PerlModule
statement or a use My::Module, or a require or a
+My::Module statement  so it looks like this

#PerlModule My:Module
<Location />
set-handler PerlScript
PerlHandler My::Module 

But the module My::Module is on the Include path for
apache (hmm or is that the apache user), What exactly
happens? or should happen?

I ask because this is how the system I'm using has
been configured. Everything seems to work, but I'm
wondering if the previous posted issue is a
consequence of doing this on two different OS systems,
one is Redhat, the other is freeBSD

I've never come across this method before.



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