I am happy to announce the next release of the Gestinanna application

This release consists of the following packages on CPAN:

  Apache::Gestinanna 0.03
  Gestinanna 0.02
  Gestinanna::POF 0.07
  Gestinanna::POF::Repository 0.04

Gestinanna provides an XML-based language for creating web
applications in the Model-View-Controller pattern.  It uses Template
Toolkit to provide views, eXtensible State Machines (XSM) to provide
controllers, and Perl modules to provide the models via extensions to
XSM (taglibs).

The distribution comes with support for Template Toolkit, XSM,
documents, portal-like pages, XSLT, and workflows.  For an example of
a set of applications and a workflow definition, see the listserv
list request application package that comes with the Gestinanna
distribution. (Listserv is a registered trademark of its owner.)

This framework is considered ALPHA software.  It will have bugs.  It
probably won't pass all its tests.  Please let me know what problems
you run into.  I can help you work around them or even fix them in
the next release.

A list of changes since 0.01 follows:

 o Basic workflow support.  See the listserv package for an example.

 o Added a package system.  Shell support is not complete, but
   sufficient for installing a package.

 o Moved sample pages into packages installable via the package system.

 o Added site configuration single inheritance.

 o Extensive unit tests in the low-level modules.  Not yet complete.

 o Split state machine XML schema into two namespaces: state machine
   and scripting.

 o shell tool may be configured not to use a pager.

 o Added `site clone' command to the shell.  Both cloning and creating
   a site will now create a site configuration as well.

 o Added `site config' command to the shell to edit an existing site's
   configuration.  The resulting configuration must be parsable by

 o The `site uri add' command now takes an argument to indicate the
   object type the URI refers to.

 o Gestinanna::Request::get_url added to resolve an object to a url
   (for use by Apache::AxKit::Provider::Gestinanna).

 o Alzabo naming routine updated for Alzabo 0.82.

 o Namespace handlers for XSM scripts are now configurable on a per-
   site basis.

 o Namespaces can be specified for namespace handlers, overriding the
   default.  This is useful for using different handlers that offer
   the same interface but work with different backends.

 o Configuration information specific to a content handler type is now
   enclosed in a <config/> tag.
James Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 979-862-3725
Texas A&M CIS Operating Systems Group, Unix

Report problems: http://perl.apache.org/bugs/
Mail list info: http://perl.apache.org/maillist/modperl.html
List etiquette: http://perl.apache.org/maillist/email-etiquette.html

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