
I'm using Apache::Test 1.12, which appears to be the latest available from CPAN.

Force installing appears to have worked, so I'm back in business. Thanks!



Stas Bekman wrote:

Nathan L. Kugland wrote:

Hi all,

I've hit a problem with installing Apache::VMonitor for apache 1.3.31 and mp 1.29:

[ error] configure() has failed:
find_apache_module: module name argument is required at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.1/i386-linux-thread-multi/Apache/ line 702.

Some googling of the error string didn't turn up anything useful. Prior to that I:

-Installed gnome-libs-devel and libgtop-devel
-Installed Apache::Scoreboard 0.10 and GTop from CPAN

Any thoughts?

well, it's not a problem of installing A-VM, but its test suite. Sounds like some problem with Apache-Test. Which A-T version are you using?

perl -MApache::Test -le 'print Apache::Test->VERSION'

try the latest one.

While we figure out what the problem is, go ahead and install A-VM. Use 'force install' in CPAN shell to ignore the test's failure.


Nathan L. Kugland [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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