On Fri, 2004-08-13 at 07:14, Konstantin Yotov wrote:
> Everything is ok and scripts run perfect, but when I
> upload new script or modify existing one and run
> "apachectl restart" i recieve
> /home/httpd/bin/apachectl restart: httpd restarted,
> but the old script is loaded!!! Only if I do
> "apachectl stop" and then "apachectl start" the new
> script is loaded.

That's normal.  The restart command from apachectl just sends a SIGHUP
to the server, which does not shut down and restart the perl
interpreter.  You have to stop the server and restart it to do that. 
You can use PerlFreshRestart if you want to, but I don't recommend it.

Please check the docs for more info on this.

- Perrin

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