> >I'm tracing through the Apache code to see what's actually happening.
> Ouch.
> Notice that apr-1.0 can be released any moment now. So please post a 
> notice to the apr-dev list if you find what the problem is.

Okay -- I'll do that.

> >Great. I'll look at the patch. There are no relevant diffs between
> >0.49 and 0.50 in the apr/network_io/unix/sockopt.c so the damage must
> >have occurred somewhere else.
> Please double check that (may be the httpd-dev archives), I could be
> wrong.

That patch only affects the HTTP protocol handler
so I don't think it could be responsible for this behaviour. Also, I
retested with 0.49 and the same problem is happening so.. who knows.

> Yup, I'll be on the move starting tomorrow, so I'm not sure when I'll be 
> able to work on that. Ideally that should happen after 2.0 release, so we 
> don't get new TODO things on the way and first glean out the existing 
> ones. But feel free to work on those and we will help with any questions 
> that you may have (but better post them to the dev list, as they are more 
> technical than this list should care about).

Okay -- sorry I didn't know there was a dev list. I'll subscribe to


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