on 08/30/04 13:43 Geoffrey Young wrote:
then all you should need to do is set $r->user to the authenticated
user and
you should be good to go.  for completeness, you might also want to set
$r->connection->auth_type to 'Basic', but that is most likely not
to get things working.

Hrmm.  Yeah, this is what I had thought and tried at one point with no
luck.  When I use basic auth and let mod_authz_ldap do it's thing, I get
"...basic LDAP authentication of user 'test'...", but with my auth
module (using the code above) I get "...on user '(null)' failed..." in
my logs.  So, basic auth is doing something that I am not to get that
user set for the underlying authz module, I just can't figure out what
the heck it is.

well, I can't find either of those error messages in mod_auth_ldap from


Ooops, yeah.  A follow-up email corrected "mod_authz_ldap" to "mod_auth_ldap".  Sorry 'bout that.  To give a bit more detail, I am using "mod_authz_ldap-0.22" on Apache 2 under RHAS 3.0.  Went looking through the C code of the authz module and found the function it gets the credentials from:

char    *authz_ldap_get_userdn(request_rec *r) {
    authz_ldap_config_rec   *sec;
    sec = ap_get_module_config(r->per_dir_config, &authz_ldap_module);
    return sec->userdn;

Here is the debugging lines for mod_authz_ldap from my apache logs:

[Mon Aug 30 14:21:07 2004] [debug] authz.c(412): [client] [11032]
authz_ldap_authz called by user '(null)' for URI '/test/'
[Mon Aug 30 14:21:07 2004] [debug] utilities.c(38): [client] [11032] initialize LDAP connection
[Mon Aug 30 14:21:07 2004] [debug] utilities.c(60): [client] [11032] got ldap connection to *************:389 at 0x08dc05d8
[Mon Aug 30 14:21:07 2004] [debug] utilities.c(74): [client] [11032] protocol version set to 3
[Mon Aug 30 14:21:07 2004] [debug] utilities.c(135): [client] [11032] bind to ldap server succeeded
[Mon Aug 30 14:21:07 2004] [debug] authz.c(423): [client] [11032]
LDAP connection established
[Mon Aug 30 14:21:07 2004] [debug] authz.c(446): [client] [11032]
starting with return code 0
[Mon Aug 30 14:21:07 2004] [debug] authz.c(460): [client] [11032]
processing requirement role 507
[Mon Aug 30 14:21:07 2004] [debug] authz.c(513): [client] [11032]
role(s) required: 507
[Mon Aug 30 14:21:07 2004] [debug] authz.c(199): [client] [11032]
allocating 20 bytes for role filter
[Mon Aug 30 14:21:07 2004] [debug] authz.c(204): [client] [11032]
role filter: (gidNumber=507)
[Mon Aug 30 14:21:07 2004] [debug] filterexpand.c(50): [client] performing substitutions in filter '(gidNumber=507)'
[Mon Aug 30 14:21:07 2004] [debug] filterexpand.c(102): [client] filter substitutions give new filter '(gidNumber=507)'
[Mon Aug 30 14:21:07 2004] [debug] authz.c(47): [client] [11032] checking filter '(null)' for user '(gidNumber=507)'
[Mon Aug 30 14:21:07 2004] [debug] utilities.c(174): [client] [11032] search from '(null)' for '(gidNumber=507)' returns 32
[Mon Aug 30 14:21:07 2004] [debug] utilities.c(191): [client] [11032] retry the search
[Mon Aug 30 14:21:07 2004] [error] [client] ldap [11032] search for filter '(gidNumber=507)', scope = 0 on user '(null)' failed
[Mon Aug 30 14:21:07 2004] [debug] authz.c(209): [client] [11032]
role requirement failed
[Mon Aug 30 14:21:07 2004] [debug] authz.c(585): [client] authz_ldap_authz()[11032]: elapsed time: 37ms, cpu time: 0ms
[Mon Aug 30 14:21:07 2004] [debug] authz.c(587): [client] [11032]
return code from authz_ldap_authz: NOK (403)

on in httpd-2.0, so I'm not sure exactly where the error is coming from.
one thing of interest is that in the former code they call
ap_get_basic_auth_pw() from the authz phase, which is clearly wrong and will
subvert the approach I outlined above.  but if you can't set the
Authorization header either (recipe 13.4) and have it work then I don't know.

anyway, if you give me a pointer to the mod_auth_ldap code you're using I
can look it over and see, but there are only a few different places where
the user information can come from - $r->user directly, or from the
Authorization header.

well, I guess there is a third - mod_auth_ldap could assume (or require)
that it is the authentication handler and instead of looking in those two
places it could rely on some internal cache.  in fact, this seems to be the
case, as the "AuthLDAPAuthoritative" directive seems to be designed exactly
for this purpose.  the docs indicate that you should set it to "no" if you
want to use something other than mod_auth_ldap for the authentication phase,
which is what you are trying to do.  so, have you set this directive and
tried a the other two approaches (setting the incoming header and/or just



David Castro
Software Architect
Azusa Pacific University

"My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue,
but in deed and in truth." -- 1 Jn 3:18 (NKJ) 

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