I have lines like this in my .htaccess file : 

AuthName AD
AuthType Arup::AuthCkLDAP

PerlSetVar ADPath /
PerlSetVar ADLoginScript /login.perl

.. and i'm using AuthCookie.pm. It picks up on the 'AD' value for
AuthName, but cannot see the PerlSetVar values. e.g i get this in my
error logs :

[error] Apache::ServerRec=SCALAR(0x83ca8b8)PerlSetVar 'ADLoginScript'
not set /misc/

.. So it suggests that apache is quite capable of reading the .htaccess
file ( not a permissions problem ) but is not parsing the PerlSetVar

It does work however if i move the PerlSetVar entries into the
httpd.conf file. Is perlsetvar intended to work in .htaccess ? Do i need
to enable processing of PerlSetVar ? 

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