Thomas Lochmatter wrote:
> Thanks for the hint. I didn't know about Apache::Test. It
> seems to be a quite big testing framework.

it can be big or small, depending on what you need it to be :)

> I use Apache::FakeRequest for debugging (while developing)
> rather than for testing. 

you could do both - test-driven development.  personally, I don't know how I
ever got along without Apache-Test, for both development and debugging.  how
I wrote applications before seemed insane when compared to using the tools
we now have available.

> The advantage is that it's very
> simple/small/handy and does exactly what I need: a fake
> Apache object replacement.

sometimes what we think we need it's what we really need ;)

I'd encourage you (and everyone) to give Apache-Test a try.  to kickstart
the adventure, after installing Apache-Test from CPAN you can try plugging
in your module to this skeleton

basically, typing 'make test' will start the server in a pristine
environment and run through your test scripts.  and even if you don't (yet)
have test script, you can just 't/TEST -start-httpd' to start apache and
keep it running while you hit against it with a browser.  yeah, that's
pretty much the same as hitting your ordinary dev box, except that you can
isolate the config much easier with Apache-Test, making it possible to add
self-contained tests later.

anyway, HTH


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