IMHO, your approach is best, although I'm not sure why it would
be calling END.  In any case, you only need to use() the module once at
startup.  Most likely, in the "scripts" which are calling the functions, you
could just import() the module.  Or maybe I misunderstood.


BTW: From a developer's standpoint, that doesn't sound like a healthy way
for the module you're using to work.  It sounds like it would be better
designed as an OO module.  To illustrate this, I recently wrote a Perl
application which needed to JavaScript parsing.  As such, I rewrote some
parts of the JAvaScript::SpiderMonkey module (I didn't like the way most of
it was written - I started helping to rewrite it, but it took to long and
eventually I had to get back to work work so I just wrote the parts I needed
in my own module, but I'm getting off track).  Getting to the point, before
I could work with any JavaScript, I also had initialization, and had to do
de-initialization.  To solve this, I made the object OO-oriented, and had it
do XS init stuff in the new() call (before being bless()ed) and de-init
stuff in DESTROY, rather than END.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steve Hay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 7:24 PM
Subject: BEGIN/END block problems with Win32::Shortcut under mp1

> (Non-Win32 users:  The real issue here is not Win32-specific.)
> I'm trying to write an mp1/Apache::Registry script on Win32 that uses
> the Win32::Shortcut module, and I find that it works fine under CGI but
> not mod_perl.
> I think the problem is this:
> Win32::Shortcut in an XS module.  The XS file has a BOOT: section which
> calls a Win32 API function called CoInitialize().  This is called by
> "bootstrap Win32::Shortcut;" when the module is require()'d/use()'d.
> The PM file has an END block which calls an XS routine which calls
> another Win32 API function called CoUninitialize().
> Nothing else in this module works unless it is called *between* those
> calls to CoInit and CoUninit.
> Under CGI, when my script starts running it runs "use Win32::Shortcut;"
> which calls CoInit, then it does whatever it has to do, then exits,
> causing the END block to be run, which calls CoUninit.  The next time
> the script is run we just do it all again:
> ----------
> CoInit
> # do stuff for request 1
> CoUninit
> ----------
> CoInit
> # do stuff for request 2
> CoUninit
> ----------
> ...
> However, under Apache::Registry the CoInit call only gets done once
> because the module is only loaded once and thereafter gets cached, but
> the END block is still run at the end of every script run, so now we have:
> ----------
> CoInit
> # do stuff for request 1
> CoUninit
> ----------
> # do stuff for request 2
> CoUninit
> ----------
> ...
> You can see why request 2 doesn't work: CoUninit was called at the end
> of request 1 and CoInit hasn't been called since.
> I tried placing a "use Win32::Shortcut;" line in my mp1
> script (and I also tried "PerlModule Win32::Shortcut" in the httpd.conf
> file instead, which I believe amounts to the same thing) to see if this
> would help, but it doesn't:
> As explained in the mod_perl manpage, the END block will now only get
> run once (at server shutdown) because it was encountered during server
> startup.  I thought that this would solve the problem since now we have
> one call to CoInit at startup and one call to CoUninit at shutdown and
> neither gets called any other time, but I now find that *no* requests to
> the script work, not even the first request!
> I think the reason is that the parent Apache.exe loaded the module,
> doing the CoInit call (and will later run the END block, doing the
> CoUninit too), but the child Apache.exe actually serves the request, and
> the CoInit/CoUninit calls have to be made from the same process that
> wants to be doing stuff in-between, so now the child doesn't work at all
> since it never called CoInit to start with.
> The only way that I've got this working so far is to simulate what
> Apache::StatINC would do if the module was changed between every
> request:  I've deleted the loading of the module from server startup,
> and now have this in my script:
>     use Win32::Shortcut;
>     delete $INC{'Win32/'};
>     require 'Win32/';
>     ...
> The use() line there gets an END block installed to be run at the end of
> every script run, while the delete()/require() calls force the bootstrap
> code to be re-run at the start of every script run.
> This seems to work (so far!), but is there a more elegant way of doing
> - Steve
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