Stas Bekman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 01.10.2004 06:08:34:

I can't reproduce that. Could you please try to debug that code? It's


perl in Makefile.PL.

tried that with perl -d Makefile.PL MP_AP_PREFIX=$HOME/mp-test/httpd-2.0

looks like it stops here:

171: unless ($val) {
DB<129> s
173: my $error = qx($apxs @_ 2>&1);
DB<131> s
Can't exec "/home/mgorb/mp-test/httpd-2.0/bin/apxs": No such file or directory at lib/Apache/Build.pm line 173.
at lib/Apache/Build.pm line 173
Apache::Build::apxs('Apache::Build=HASH(0x8d7fcb8)', '-q', 'INCLUDEDIR') called at lib/Apache/Build.pm line 82
Apache::Build::ap_prefix_invalid('Apache::Build=HASH(0x8d7fcb8)') called at Makefile.PL line 206
main::configure() called at Makefile.PL line 52

Why doesn't it print out the error then?

    unless ($val) {
        # do we have an error or is it just an empty value?
        my $error = qx($apxs @_ 2>&1);
        chomp $error if defined $error;
        if ($error) {
            error "'$apxs @_' failed:";
            error $error;
        else {
            $val = '';

does anything go into $error? Please try to fix that code so that it clearly point out what the problem is, as soon as it happens.

I think that I have an idea why does it try to use apxs (it should not, since there should be no bin/apxs in the fresh source tree). Try running 'make clean' in the /home/mgorb/mp-test/httpd-2.0 tree and try again.


looking into /home/mgorb/mp-test/httpd-2.0/bin/apxs ( which appeared to be a perl script :) ) showed "#!/replace/with/path/to/perl/interpreter -w" at the first line. Replaced it with "/usr/local/bin/perl". After that "perl Makefile.PL" worked and mp2 was built OK, but some tests failed:

% make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 TEST_FILES="t/apr-ext/base64.t
t/apr-ext/base64.........Can't load '/usr/home/mgorb/mp-test/src/modperl-2.0/blib/arch/auto/APR/APR.so' for module APR: Shared object "libapr-0.so.9" not found at

Philippe, APR.so needs the same treatment as mod_perl.so wrt to finding the not-yet installed library when doing the static build. I suppose we didn't see the problem since we had libapr installed system-wide (svn, etc). I think we may need to add to release procedures a step where the RM (re)moves any global libs that may affect the build.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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