Mark S Lowe wrote:

I have a need to create my own suffix and hijack the output for page rendering code, and then re-output the page with my own OK. I have the O’Reilly book “Practical mod_perl” and there is a great example of this on page 114 in Chapter 4. However, the example is incomplete. The example suggests that we can intercept the request for a page, remove all the HTML tags, and re-output the page. This isn’t exactly what I want to do, but it will server as a great architecture for my needs.

I’ve got my <Files> directive working perfectly in httpd.conf, but now I need some help intercepting the page request event, re-rendering the page, and then outputting it. I imagine this is like a three line explanation, but I can’t seem to find it anywhere. I imagine it something like this:

PerlModule MyPlatform::Converter
<Files ~ "\.(pla)$">
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler MyPlatform::HTML2TextConverter MyPlatform:: HTMLContentGenerator

I just don’t know how to grab the HTML page text once it gets to my module. STDIN doesn’t have it. So where is it?




Well you have to read the file yourself:

package MyPlatform::HTML2TextConverter MyPlatform:: HTMLContentGenerator;

sub handler {
# .....
my $content;

 local $/ = undef;
 open( READFILE, |$r->filename| );
 $content = <READFILE>;
 close( READFILE );
 # ...


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