> Thanks for the feedback. I guess I am wondering who I would need to talk
> to in order to get this fixed.

Joe is the man :)

> Just to understand, why does it need to use the err_headers_out instead
> of headers_out? There does not seem to be any errors. Am I
> misinterpreting the function name or is it a misnomer?

yes, it's something of a misnomer.  over in Apache-land, returning anything
other than OK, DECLINED, or DONE from a handler is considered an "error."
and the err_headers_out table holds response (and entity :) headers that
will be sent _even_ (not only) on errors.

really, all three of the mod_perl books out there talk about this, so it is
probably worth picking one of them up to read up on the API a bit.  that is,
if you're interested in this kind of thing.


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