Raphael Ferguson wrote:
Thank you much for the quick response.

I tried setting the TMPDIR in startup.pl and in httpd.conf to no avail.

I was talking about CGI.pm when suggesting to set TMPDIR.

The "[libapreq] file upload forbidden" error message is almost certainly
coming from ibapreq's apache_request.c, line 591:

if (req->disable_uploads) {
ap_log_rerror(REQ_ERROR, "[libapreq] file upload forbidden");

I just have no clue why req->disable_uploads is apparently returning
true no matter what I do to make sure uploads are enabled.

Here, disable_uploads is set to one if you have called either of:

  Apache::Request->new($r, disable_uploads => 1);
  Apache::Request->new($r, DISABLE_UPLOADS => 1);

please see Request.xs in the distro. But may be something else is going wrong. Try to step through with gdb starting from ApacheRequest_new and see where things go wrong.

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