> I am considering upgrading to a 64-bit Opteron-based machine running RH
> linux. Using perl 5.8, apache 2, mod_perl. Has anyone run into any
> problems running their mod_perl applications on a 64-bit box with a
> 64-bit linux OS?

I ran a mission critical web-app using Apache2/mod_perl2, and an sql
database on Opteron using FC2 with non-threaded perl 5.8.5.  I built
apache, mod_perl, and perl from source.    We didn't have any 64-bit
related problems with the web app.  The opteron is a very fast machine.

Now, to go off the mod_perl topic for a few sentences, we did experience
some crashes due to i/o intensive batch operations.  The code was opening
thousands of file handles very quickly.  I found one relevant link on
google which unfortunately I don't have access to anymore, but it cited a
crash occurring while using bonnie++ for benchmarking on opteron.

We had another issue with occasional segfaults of long running (7+ days)
programs which consumed enormous (15G+) amounts of memory.  Suffice to say
though, we were going beyond normal usage, and encountered a few dragons.

Report problems: http://perl.apache.org/bugs/
Mail list info: http://perl.apache.org/maillist/modperl.html
List etiquette: http://perl.apache.org/maillist/email-etiquette.html

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