What can I say?, an incredibly detailed and helpful response. Thanks Randy. Bear with
me while I go through this to make sure I understand it:-

Randy Kobes wrote:

Due to the large volume of modules on CPAN, ActiveState uses
an automated build system for their ppm packages...

I guessed I was looking at the result of automated build tests. However I naiively
thought that Apache and mod_perl were so important to so many users they might
get a little extra attention.

However, if you install mod_perl via ppm (from our theoryx5 repository, or elsewhere), ppm will register and see it for subsequent packages that require it...

I followed the install procedure documented at perl.apache.org

After having been bitten by the fact that the mod_perl installer blows up on
pathnames containing spaces, forcing a teardown and reinstall (great...), I installed
Perl 5.8.4 and Apache 2.0.52 using their respective .msi installers. I then configured
uwinnipeg as a PPM repository, and installed mod_perl from there. mod_perl
shows up correctly in PPM as-

ppm> prop mod_perl
   Name: mod_perl
Version: 1.99_17
 Author: Doug MacEachern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Title: mod_perl
Abstract: Embed a Perl interpreter in the Apache/2.0.50 HTTP server
InstDate:  14:33:24 2004
Location: http://theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca/cgi-bin/ppmserver?urn:/PPMServer58
Available Platforms:
      1. MSWin32-x86-multi-thread-5.8

It's odd that Windoze needs a .dll manually installed, when on Unixes mod_perl.so is
sufficient on its own. However as I read your mail, this means subsequent packages
dependent on mod_perl should install ok IF they can be made available as PPMs. (It's
a shame ActiveState doesn't get this far to enable all those defunct Apache::* PPMs to
be built).

As to the problem of there not being that many Apache-* ppm packages available, there's at least three options:

- send me a request for a particular package. I have a
semi-automated setup for making ppm packages, so it's
usually no problem to make one up. I'll look at in
particular doing one for Apache::CGI::Builder tonight.

This is terriffic, and much appreciated. As a newbie the process of getting Apache and
mod_perl plus the addons packages running has been pretty painful (actually it was the
Solaris compile+install that really drove me nuts). At the moment I have the
Apache::CGI::Builder.pm manually pulled out of the .tar.gz download and
copied into my Perl library, but it's not working correctly and I can hardly rule out a

The particular packages that would be top of my list would be-

* Apache::CGI::Builder

* Apache::SessionManager, dependent on-
* Apache::Cookie

I know I will need some of the ApacheAuth and Apache*LDAP packages at
some point as well, but there are a ton of them and i'm not sure which combination
I need yet.

Thanks for the help. It encourages me to keep trying ;-)

Regards: Colin

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