Hi, I have been using log handler to setup some Environment variable to be logged into apache log with a customized log format.

In apache conf --
PerlLogHandler My::Logger
LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\ \"%{username}e\"" custom2

in startup.pl
sub My::Logger
   my ($r) = @_;

   (defined $ENV{LOGIN}) && ($r->subprocess_env(username => $ENV{LOGIN}));

The functoin served me well until I start enabling mod_gzip for apache. It appears that with mod_gzip turned on, the Environment I have setup for some reason is no longer available. I have tried to switch to notes and ened with the same result.

Do anyone has any idea why this is happening and/or know any work around?

Many thanks.


                          Development Engineer
                          Outblaze Ltd

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