Please take a look (see below). Remember that ASF provides infrastructure for the mod_perl development, distribution and other things. And that requires money. So please consider donating.

You may choose to instead or in addition to donate to the Perl Foundation, which also helps to mod_perl a lot, though more indirectly, by sponsoring people to improve perl.

Thank you.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Contributing to the Apache Software Foundation
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2004 22:50:47 -0600
From: Brian W. Fitzpatrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Greetings, fellow Apache committers. As the end of the year approaches, we would like to let you know about one other important way you can contribute to the Apache Software Foundation.

This is the time of year that many people look to donate money
to charity not only out of the goodness of their heart, but for the
purposes of tax deductions, which makes Tax Day just that much nicer
in the United States.

The Apache Software Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit,
and if you pay taxes in the United States, any money that you
contribute is tax deductible.

You can contribute via PayPal:

Or by check:

For all the details, please see the contributing page, located here:

Many companies have "Matching Gift Programs" that will double or
triple your tax-deductible contributions.  Check with your personnel
office to find out if your company offers this--they should be able to
provide you with a form that you can fill out and send in with your
contribution.  If your employer wishes to donate to the ASF, please
have them contact us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please note: we're *not* trying to coerce anyone into donating funds
to the ASF--the purpose of this email is merely to make you aware that
donations to the ASF are tax deductible, in case you didn't know that
already. :-)

Please email [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you have any questions or

Happy Holidays,

- The Apache Software Foundation Fundraisers

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