Issac Goldstand wrote:

After all, users must set up seperate Apache distributions for mp 1 and 2. When you think about it, it's really a 2 way relationship: you're "importing the Apache API into Perl", as much as you're "embedding the Perl interpreter into Apache". Just like you can't use one Apache/mod_perl with two installations of Perl (say 5.6 and 5.8 on mod_perl1), it's fair to demand that you shouldn't use two versions of Apache/mod_perl (1.3/2.x) with one version of Perl. Chances are that a majority of people with mod_perl1/2 on the same machine are developers, and porting things over (or maintaining modules for both, or something else which is intelligent) - they'll all know how to install both in parallell "the hard way" (eg, setting up 2 perl installations); the majority of the non-developers are likely poor sysadmins who don't quite understand what they're getting themselves into with parallel installations, and we possibly shouldn't be giving them a trivial way to do it.

Unfortunately thanks to Randal, people are now totally confused.

Issac, this is not the problem we are trying to solve. The problem is that PAUSE indexes only one version of a package name. Forget all the 'use Apache2' and other issues for now. There are all minor issues, compared to the indexing problem.

Maybe I'm completly misunderstanding why Stas put all the effort into his framework to support; maybe my objections make no sense. But in any case, please STOP ARGUING - you're making a public spectacle that's gonna bash Perl in general as much as mod_perl specifically

You can send special thanks to Randal, who in the thread asking to help to test the upcoming realease to spot any problems, suggests the opposite:

Many of you sound like offended six year olds, and it's going to become embarassing. One of the big points of Perl is TMTOWTDI - there isn't supposed to be "one way to do it", and just because everyone (myself included) is being lazy and not setting up dual Perl installations, since Stas was nice enough to provide a rudimentary workaround for it, you can't expect Stas's workaround to be "perfect" - he's got enough to deal with with mod_perl development without having to deal with how to fix Perl/CPAN's inability to support installation of multiple versions of modules.

And to give the right credits, it's not 'Stas' framework', there is a group of developers working on this. And it wasn't even me who wrote most of the things and workarounds. The credits should really go to Doug MacEachern. I just happen to push things forward at the moment, where others have left. And somebody else will do that later on. modperl is not a one man's project.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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