On Mon, Dec 27, 2004 at 12:10:47PM -0500, Perrin Harkins wrote:
> > The real significant issue to address, IMO, has to do with CPAN's
> > indexing of the Apache:: modules common to both mp1 and mp2 core
> > distros,  because those packages set the underlying apache[12]
> > architecture.
> That's what I'm saying -- don't fix it.  Tell people they need to keep two
> perl installations if they want to run both.  They will almost certainly
> need to anyway if they intend to port modules from one to the other
> without breaking the current working installation or renaming all of their
> own modules.

Has any one considered using only.pm?


> I'm just not confident that things like PAUSE and CPAN.pm will change in a
> timely fashion, and even if they did I don't see how that would help the
> millions of mod_perl installations already out there.

They don't all have to change.  mp2 just needs to list a 'fixed' version of
CPAN in it's dependencies... 



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