On Fri, 31 Dec 2004, Stas Bekman wrote:

> Octavian Rasnita wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I want to configure a production server that uses
> > mod_perl and I don't know what version to choose because
> > I see that mod_perl 2 is not stable yet. What do you
> > recommend, to install Apache 1.3 and mod_perl 1 and use
> > it until mod_perl 2 will be stable enough, or do you
> > think that mod_perl 2 can be enough stable in order to
> > be used for other purposes than testing?
> >
> > The programs for the production server are not ready
> > yet, and it will take some more months until I will need
> > to install the production server.
> I'd say go with mp2.0. If it helps, 2.0.0 should be out in
> the next two weeks (we have about 3-4 remaining bugs to
> resolve). If you encounter problems we fix them almost as
> soon as you report them, so have no fear.

I'd second that, especially, given some of your earlier
messages, you're using Win32 in, at least, a development
environment. mp1 on Win32 suffers from some serious
limitations as far as threading is concerned:
which has been addressed in mp2:
Moreover, Apache2 itseld on Win32 is significantly faster
and more stable on Win32 (and other non-Unix platforms):
due to a larger reliance on native platform implementations.

best regards,

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