>Nick *** wrote:
 >>> Are you running the latest dev svn?
 >> The latest svn is fine. I just removed the patch in order to test more
 >> this issue, and that's the coredump...
 >Understood. I certainly don't have the time to look at fastcgi problems at 
 >the moment. If someone can that would be great.
 >so we are all well on this setup. Great!

Not quite well with RC3.
When executing this code in TestRun.pm

# - don't inherit LoadModule perl_module from the apache httpd.conf
# - loaded fastcgi crashes some mp2 tests
my %skip = map { ("mod_$_.c" => 1) } qw(perl fastcgi);
sub should_skip_module {
    my($self, $name) = @_;
        print "\n\n$name\n\n";
    exists $skip{$name} ? 1 : $self->SUPER::should_skip_module($name);

and checking for fastcgi, the value of $name is 'mod_fastcgi-2.4.2-AP20.dll' 
and not 'mod_fastcgi.c', so the module is loaded and the tests fail again.

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