Hallo everybody,

I need a suggestion as a beginner. I am trying to set up apache2 server
with subversion repository under it. I have to authenticate clients in
the following way:

1) As first, client may provide a valid SSL certificate. If client
provides certificate, my small perl module goes to LDAP, gets some
information from there using certificate's subject DN, and uses then
this information for authorization perposes by svn.

2) If client does not provide a certificate, I have to allow client to
authenticate itself against mod_krb5, and to use clients Kerberos
principal for authorization by svn.

I actually managed to implement both (1) and (2) in two different
locations, which means that I've got two different subversion URL's,
each implementing its own authentication mechanisms. 

Do you know if there is a possibility to merge both authentication
mechanisms in one URL? Could you give me a hint please how can I allow
subversion cients first to supply a certificate, and if they can not
supply a certificate - to try to authenticate via SPNEGO and as last
option - Kerberos user ID and Password, and all of this in one URL?

Thanx a lot and best regards, vadim tarassov

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