On Sat, 8 Jan 2005 00:28:32 -0600 (CST), Randy Kobes wrote:

Hi Randy, Geoff

> No, it definitely should not be like that ... There was a problem
> like this on Win32 (related to apxs needing the PATH environment
> variable set), but that I believe has been fixed with the current
> Apache-Test. To try to track this down, what happens when you do
> C:\> C:\Apache2\bin\apxs.bat -q PREFIX C:\> C:\Apache2\bin\apxs.bat
> -q SBINDIR C:\> C:\Apache2\bin\apxs.bat -q SYSCONFDIR C:\>
> C:\Apache2\bin\apxs.bat -q LIBEXECDIR C:\> C:\Apache2\bin\apxs.bat -
> q TARGET Also, what flavour of Windows are you using? And are you
> using cmd.exe?

Still errors, referring to D:, not C:.

So I edited all references from D: to C: within the 2 files 

Still more errors.

So I edited all references from D: to C: in C:\Apache2\build\config_vars.mk.

Now it (installing Apache::Test V 1.19) finally works :-).

This is Windows 2000, with cmd.exe.

> mod_perl.pm under C:\Perl\site\lib\ was still present. This problem
> (with the binary) has been fixed in the one using Perl-5.8.6/Apache-
> 2.0.52 that I just put out a week or so ago. Sorry for the
> confusion.

OK. I downloaded that yesterday. I'll install it now.

I'll check the files we've discussed and then install Apache::Test V 1.19 just 
to be sure, and let you know.

Also, I was obviously wrong when I surmised this was an Apache2 namespace 
problem. Sorry about that.
Ron Savage, [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 9/01/2005

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