Timour Ezeev wrote:
Sorry for the late response -- was away from my computer...
In any case here you go..

On Tue, 18 Jan 2005, Philippe M. Chiasson wrote:

You seem to be experiencing a problem similar to

Could you please post the output of

$> ldd /ext/home/timour/src/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/blib/arch/Apache2/auto/APR/APR.so

ldd /ext/home/timour/src/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/blib/arch/Apache2/auto/APR/APR.so /ext/home/timour/src/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC3/blib/arch/Apache2/auto/APR/APR.so: libm.so.2 => /usr/lib/libm.so.2 (0x28120000) libcrypt.so.2 => /usr/lib/libcrypt.so.2 (0x2813b000) libc_r.so.4 => /usr/lib/libc_r.so.4 (0x28155000) libexpat.so.5 => /usr/local/lib/libexpat.so.5 (0x28214000)

That's very odd, doesn't seem like APR.so was linked against libapr/libapr-util as it should have been.

Can you please post your lib/Apache/BuildConfig.pm here?

Also, from your build directory, can you just remove 
remake and post what compiler commands were issued to rebuild that .so ?

Philippe M. Chiasson m/gozer\@(apache|cpan|ectoplasm)\.org/ GPG KeyID : 88C3A5A5
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