When installing via CPAN, I've never had a succesful test. But what 
helps is to have your Apache already running during the test, and 
when CPAN asks for the apache source either show it the directory of 
the headers or give it a q. If all else fails try force-ing the 
For up to date RPM's try <FreshRPMs.net>

Jay Scherrer

On Thursday 20 January 2005 05:51 pm, Ian D. Stewart wrote:
> Young, Darren wrote:
> >Is there a different way to CPAN the newer version?
> >
> >Perl -MCPAN -e 'install Bundle::Apache' gets the 1.29 stuff.
> I believe
>     Perl -MCPAN -e 'install Bundle::Apache2'
> should get you latest version of mod_perl 2.0 (2.0_RC3 as of this
> writing).
> >Yes, Apache 2.0.46 on RHEL.
> >
> >If I decide to go from source, I'm guessing I need to build a
> > fresh Apache RPM, or at least have the source handy for the
> > mod_perl build. For the mod_perl side, does the tarball include a
> > way to build an RPM or is there somewhere else I should check?
> You should be able to get source RPM's (AKA SRPM) from the same
> source that you get your binary RPM's from.  These will include,
> along with the source tarball and any necessary patches, a file
> with .spec extension (this file will normally end up in
> /usr/src/redhat/SPECS if you install the SRPM using rpm), which
> tells rpm how to build the binary RPM.
> For more information, take a look at http://www.rpm.org
> HTH,
> Ian

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